Malama Pono Autism Center is deeply committed to servicing children with developmental and learning needs. We spend lots of our time and energy advocating and fighting for children who are undeserved, underrepresented and often left on the sidelines.
For many of our staff, the fight for equality and justice does not stop with autism.
The death of George Floyd has shed renewed light on the long and steeped history of marginalization African Americans have endured in this country. People and communities around the world have raised their voices in solidarity this week expressing simply- this is not okay.
Malama Pono stands with them.
Ph: 808-625-3000
Fx: 808-625-3006
Administrative Offices
100 Kahelu Ave
Suite 110
Mililani HI 96789
Malama Pono Autism Center strives to provide equal access to information and services for individuals of all abilities. Closed captioning, translation, and other accessibility options can be provided upon request.
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